

Writing can be a very isolating experience because it requires such intense time and energy to wrestle with ideas and make sense of historical archives. I am very much looking forward to interacting with audiences during and after the virtual book tour to see what they think. I know what I think is interesting in the book, but I really want to hear what resonates with audiences.

In this Journal, I’ll be chronicling my experiences interacting with audiences during my virtual book tour. Along the way, I’ll share insights on philanthropy and communities of color and other issues as they arise. My sincere thanks to everyone who has supported this book.


Tyrone McKinley Freeman reading from chapter 3 of Gospel of Giving

Walker’s gift of education aligned her with other educator-philanthropists of the era. Chapter 3 analyzes the curriculum of the Walker beauty schools and its blending of theory, technique, and business management principles to support graduates’ success.

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